My name is Stefana and I appreciate you stopping by!
I was born and raised in Bulgaria but when I was 18 my family and I moved to the US. I lived in New York City for six years and also went to college there. I moved to Maryland when I met my husband and have been living here (about 45 minutes outside of Baltimore) ever since.
I have three kids (two boys and a girl) and for the past 10 years my primary job and responsibility has been taking care of them. As the kids have grown older I find myself with more free time on my hands. I have discovered blogging as a creative outlet for passions such as home decor, photography, DIY, and for my love of beautiful things and places.
I love creating pretty spaces and I’ve done a lot of diy but my real passion is sharing all the knowledge I’ve gained from years of projects and renovations. From demystifying the construction of a cabinet, to finding the perfect paint for it. I figured out how to style shelves like the big name designers and how to hang drapes like a pro AND not pay a fortune for them! I want you to know that you too can build a cane cabinet, install molding or shiplap, and make your home look like it came from the catalog pages without breaking the bank.
I hope you stick around!
Please, email me (Stefana Silber) at stefana (at) stefanasilber (dot) com