4 Stylish Christmas Tree Skirt Alternatives

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‘Tis the season to put up the Christmas tree and start decorating for the holidays. If you are looking for ways to mix things up this year, you’ll want to check out these tree skirt alternatives. Sharing my favorite ways to cover a Christmas tree base.

base of Christmas tree with wicker tree collar used as tree skirt alternatives, brown paper wrapped gifts under tree, hardwood floors

Why cover a Christmas tree base?

No matter how beautiful your tree is, the stand it comes with is not something you want visible for all to see. Most tree branches don’t go down to the floor so you need something to hide the base because let’s face it – tree stands are ugly.

Before you buy

  • Width of tree stand – pull it out of the box, extend the legs, and measure it end to end
  • Tree diameter – make sure your base cover is the appropriate size for the width of the tree
  • Stand height – measure the distance from the floor to the bottom of the tree
  • Style – choose a cover that coordinates with the style of your home

Tree skirt alternative #1 – Christmas tree collars

The tree skirt has been the traditional way to cover a Christmas tree base for decades. While I still love the look of a fabric skirt, I have been using a wicker tree skirt, or collar, for the past few years.

I’ m always looking for ways to add woven decor to my home, so a wicker tree collar made the top of the of tree skirt alternatives list for me!

Instead of fabric, most tree collars are made with sturdier materials such as metal, wood, or woven natural fibers. They are simple to use – you just place the tree stand on the floor and place the collar directly on top.

Christmas tree collars have become pretty popular in recent years with retailers jumping on the bandwagon. You’ll have no problem finding a good one – just make sure it fits the decor style of your home and works with the rest of your tree decorations.

Tree skirt alternative #2 – baskets & vases

Do you have any larger baskets laying around? If the tree stand fits securely and the base of the tree is covered, this is one of the best tree skirt alternatives you can find.

A basket or vase is a great way to style a small or tabletop Christmas tree. Create your own look and mix and match your favorite tree and basket styles.

Tap images to shop baskets:

basket that can be used as a tree skirt alternative
basket that can be used as a tree skirt alternative
basket that can be used as a tree skirt alternative
tree skirt alternatives, vase used to style small Christmas tree on woven cabinet, Anthropologie gleaming primes mirror, vintage artwork, wall molding

Sources: Small tree | Mirror | Vintage artwork | Cane cabinet (similar)

Tap images to shop vases:

tree skirt alternatives, Pottery Barn ceramic vase
tree skirt alternatives, Pottery Barn ceramic vase

If you have a wide tree stand it may be a little tricky to find one that works. An oversized wicker laundry basket or something similar might be just what you need.

Tree skirt alternative #3 – easy DIY

This is the easiest way to DIY a tree skirt. A cozy fur throw blanket is all you need to get the look of faux fur tree skirt.

flocked aspen fir christmas tree with a fur blanket dIY tree skirt, lights are off
flocked aspen fir christmas tree with a fur blanket dIY tree skirt, lights are on

Simply put it on the floor under the tree, wrap it up and over the stand, and connect the ends in the back. Any type of soft, solid color cozy blanket will do. As you can see in the images above, this is a beautiful look with the tree lights on or off.

Tap to shop these blankets:

furry blanket that can be used a tree skirt alternative
furry blanket that can be used a tree skirt alternative

Tree skirt alternative #4 – unexpected and creative

A couple years ago, I went out of the box and created a woodland themed Christmas tree skirt. I used moss as the base and created little scenes with little things you’d find under a tree in nature. It was a fun way to get creative and do something a little unexpected.

unique Christmas tree skirt alternatives, woodland tree skirt with moss, mushrooms, and pine cones

If you are set on using a Christmas tree skirt, but want something unique, try using different colors or quirky patterns. Skip the red and green and find something that is unusual for this time of year!

Traditional Christmas tree skirts

Nothing says Christmas like red and green and not everyone is looking for tree skirt alternatives. If you prefer to keep things on the traditional side but are looking for a something new, here are a few of my favorite classic styles.

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